S.A.F.E. Internet

CelcomDigi’s vision is to create a better digital world for all Malaysians. As a responsible business, we are committed to make the internet a safer place for everyone. ​

The internet is a place to connect, learn, and share. We aim to empower everyone with the relevant digital knowledge and good digital habits by applying the S.A.F.E. Internet code.










Be a smart and safe digital citizen​

All information about us that appears online forms our digital footprint. This can be anything from profile to photos, comments as well as "likes" and "shares". As such, it is important to share our information with care, and communicate responsibly online.

Share with care​

Oversharing is exposing too much information of yourself, especially about your personal life. This puts you and those around you at risk when cybercriminals gain that information. Remember, everything that goes on the internet stays forever.
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Share with care

Here are some tips to consider before you
upload your next post​

 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Review your privacy and security settings regularly

Review your privacy and security settings regularly

Is your social media account private? Consider limiting access to those you know or be selective of those you add in your 'friends' or 'followers' lists.
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Think twice before sharing​

Think twice before sharing​

Always ask – “Is this a suitable platform? Is this an appropriate photo? Can this be used against me?” What you post online can be screenshot or reshared.​
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Turn off location tracking in apps

Turn off location tracking in apps

Disable geolocation feature if unnecessary. This can prevent cybercriminals from using this information to their benefit.​

Stay safe from online danger​

The increase in the use of Internet over the years has amplified the risk of involvement in cyberbullying and cybergrooming, especially among minors. Children today are more vulnerable in the digital world than before, and it takes a village to keep them safe. ​

 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Stay safe from online danger​


Cyberbullying is unwanted, hurtful words or behaviour that occur online. It includes sharing negative or harmful content about someone on purpose and often happens over text messages, online chat, or social media.

Ways to protect ourselves from cyberbullying

Cyberbullying creates a negative emotional experience for everyone, particularly youths. Here are some recommended ways to help ourselves recognise and prevent cyberbullying:

Extra tips for parents & guardians​


Cybergrooming is the process used by online predators to establish a friendship with a minor with future intention of sexual abuse.
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Keep private things private​

Keep private things private​

Refrain from sharing private information, including passwords, home address, date of birth, locations or even personal photos online.
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Recognise the grooming process​

Recognise the grooming process​

Stay alert of unusual conversations and requests from unknown contacts. Strangers can also disguise as someone you know.
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Educate and engage ​

Educate and engage ​

Create conversations with children about topics related to consent, personal boundaries and risky online activities.

Learn more about staying safe online with our friends​

CelcomDigi collaborates with like-minded partners, such as UNICEF and CyberSecurity Malaysia to raise the standards of digital resilience among communities, educators, parents and children in Malaysia. More resources and latest research findings are available at:
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | CyberSAFE

CyberSAFE (Cyber Security Awareness for Everyone) is a programme by CyberSecurity Malaysia aimed at creating public awareness on cyber and social issues related to the internet.

More Details

 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | The Global Kids Online

The Global Kids Online is an international research project by UNICEF that is focused to improve children's digital engagement.

More Details


#AwasAlways from scam & fraud​
Scams and frauds cases in Malaysia are on a worrying trend, with increasing number of cases and financial losses reported. Scammers are using different methods and channels to deceive unsuspecting victims daily.

Learn more about the latest common scams and frauds in Malaysia and how you can stay #AwasAlways.

Phone scams

What is phone scam?​

Calls from scammers trying to steal your money or personal information.

How scammers work?

Scammers use various tactics to steal personal information like banking details, including; 

  • Intimidation (by pretending as someone from law enforcement agencies like the police, MACC or banks)
  • Attractive limited-time offers 
  • Impersonating someone you might know

#AwasAlways tips

  • Do not fall for offers that are too good to be true, especially from strangers 
  • Call your banks or enforcement agencies to verify information given 
  • Do not share any personal information or OTP codes 
  • Report the number to your mobile operator
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Phone scams
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | SMS scam

SMS scam

What is SMS scam?

SMSes from unknown numbers promoting businesses or subscription services, which aims to steal your personal information or money. 

How scammers work?

Scammers would promote SMS subscription services that will charge you daily, weekly or monthly, by tricking you into providing personal information like banking details.

#AwasAlways tips

  • Do not subscribe to any services from suspicious SMSes
  • Do not click any links in the SMSes
  • Verify given information with your bank or agency mentioned
  • Report the number to your mobile operator

TAC scam

What is TAC scam?

A TAC sent to your phone when a purchase has been made by the scammer using your credit/debit card info.

How scammers work?

Trick by scammer with the excuse that the TAC was accidentally registered on the victim's mobile number. 

#AwasAlways tips

  • Do not reveal your OTP/TAC to any third party even if the party claims to be from a legitimate source
  • Verify information with your bank and update your credit/debit card information right after
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | TAC scam
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Social media scam

Social media scam

What is social media scam?​

Attractive promotions offered by scammers using fake profiles online. 

How scammers work?

Scammers use various tactics to steal personal information like banking details, including: 

  • Luring victims with attractive promotions or fake social media accounts, websites and online shopping platforms 
  • Contacting victims and offering them free gifts 
  • "Catfishing" or creating a fake profile on dating apps 

#AwasAlways tips

  • Ignore any offers that are too good to be true 
  • Refer to official sites or stores to verify promotions 
  • Do not share personal information or OTP codes 

Building relevant safeguards for Malaysians through collaborative actions

In doing business responsibly, CelcomDigi is guided by a simple principle to ACT – to create Awareness, drive Compliance internally while supporting enforcement agencies, and leverage Technology to combat cybercrimes such as scams and frauds. We maximise these efforts through collaborations with like-minded partners.

Take action against scam​

 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | scams involving bank transactions

For scams involving bank transactions, report to 997 (National Scam Response Centre)

 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | scams not involving bank transactions

For scams not involving bank transactions, report them here:


Protect your privacy & data​

The internet has been an enabler for many to work, learn, shop, and most importantly connect with loved ones. However, many users are not aware of the potential privacy risks when they go about their daily activities online. We have compiled some frequently asked questions that you may have about protecting your online privacy below.

Our personal data is everywhere across the internet, and it is our responsibility to educate ourselves and those around us about the risks of sharing our personal data online.

What is online privacy?

Online privacy is the level of personal data protection you have while connected to the internet.​

Why is online privacy important?​

Online privacy matters because it gives you control over your identity and personal data.​

What are the common online privacy issues?

Common issues include:
• ​Theft, where cybercriminals use malware or phishing techniques to steal your personal data  
• Extensive retention, where your personal data may not be deleted by websites and social media apps​

What are the examples of bad privacy habit?​

We need to avoid the following:
• Using the same passwords for all online accounts​
• Oversharing personal data on social media​
• Opening suspicious files or downloading malicious files

How can you protect your privacy online?​

You can adopt the following best practices:​
• Update the privacy settings on your apps and devices​
• Minimise personal data you share online​
• Secure your devices and browsers​

Our children are growing up with the internet. Here’s how you can educate them about privacy and keep them safe online.

What are the top privacy concerns for parents with younger children?​

Top concerns for parents include:
• ​Oversharing
• Phishing
• Fake apps

How to talk to your child about privacy?

Here are some topics you can discuss with your children:
• ​What you post online is not always private – be careful who you share with​
• Your data may be online forever – you may regret them someday​
• Protect your friend’s privacy – their data is as valuable as yours​

How to protect children’s privacy online?

You can adopt the following best practices:​
• Start the conversation early – it’s never too early to teach about online privacy
• Monitor their browsing activities – remove suspicious files​
• Do it together – from securing devices to sweeping through apps​

Older adults are slowly jumping on the internet train too. Here’s how you can raise awareness in the elderly communities.

What are the top privacy concerns for older adults?​

Top concerns for older adults include:​
• ​Theft, where cybercriminals use malware or phishing techniques to steal their personal data ​
• Fraud & impersonation, where fraudsters may use their personal data for fraudulent transactions​

How to educate your elderly community about privacy?​

Here are some examples of what you can do:​
• ​Host a sharing session at your local community centre​
• Secure apps and devices together during family gatherings​

The internet has spurred rapid transformation and digitalisation for small and large organisations. Personal data is being collected, used, and shared easily. This poses a threat to how privacy is protected. We have compiled some frequently asked questions to help organisations run their businesses ethically.

Does the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) apply to my organisation?​

PDPA applies when:​
• ​The organisation is established in Malaysia; or​
• The organisation processes personal data in Malaysia; and​
• The organisation processes personal data for commercial transaction

How do I work with partners across my value chain?​

Organisations need to ensure:​
• ​There is a valid contract between both parties
• The partners have taken appropriate measures to safeguard your personal data, and​
• The partners are monitored or audited on a periodic basis

How do I address a privacy incident or data breach in my organisation?​

Organisations should have an incident or breach response plan which includes:​
• ​An escalation path to report incidents
• Assessing the severity of the incident
• Remediating the incident
• Notifying relevant parties about the incident, and​
• Documenting the incident


It’s cool to be kind​

Digital empathy means being kind to others and yourself online. Although the digital world creates new challenges and opportunities for social interaction, we are all capable to learn and practice the power of online kindness.

Resource library

Learn more about how you can protect your online privacy with these shareable shareable tips and resources

 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Password tips
Password tips
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Tips against cyberbullying
Tips against cyberbullying
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Tips against shopping scams
Tips against shopping scams
Tips against malicious websites
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Tips against cybergrooming
Tips against cybergrooming
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Tips against cyberstalking
Tips against cyberstalking
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | What are SMS scams
What are SMS scams?
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | YH Malware
What is malware?
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | What are social media scams
What are social media scams?
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | What is scam calls and vishing
What are scam calls and vishing?
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Privacy tips to keep your child safe online
Privacy tips to keep your child safe online
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Tips to protect your online privacy
Tips to protect your online privacy
 CelcomDigi | SAFE Internet | Privacy tips for businesses to protect personal data
Privacy tips for businesses to protect personal data​

S.A.F.E. Internet Playlist

Build your digital defenses! This playlist equips you with scam awareness knowledge and good digital habits for a safe internet experience.