Frequently Asked Questions

About CelcomDigi

Why have Celcom and Digi merged?
Do Celcom and Digi customers need to do anything?
What can Celcom and Digi customers look forward to?
What will happen to Celcom’s and Digi’s networks?
What will happen to Celcom’s and Digi’s brands?
What will happen to Celcom’s and Digi’s retail stores?
What will happen to Celcom’s and Digi’s business customers?
If I am a Celcom/Digi user, will I get access to Digi/Celcom’s network now that you have merged?
Can I still do the same transactions at Celcom and Digi retail stores?
What should I do if I encounter network or billing issues, or have general enquiries?
I want to be a CelcomDigi customer! Where can I sign up?